Challenge 2 - The House with No Ceiling

In this week's challenge, you are tasked with building a HOUSE OF CARDS WITH THE MOST FLOORS! Use any deck of cards (you may need more than one deck) to built the tallest house of cards you can. Please make a folder labelled with your name and the number of stories your house of cards has in your respective houses under "CHALLENGE 2" and put your photo of the ENTIRE house of cards in there (ex. Daniel Concepcion - 14 stories). As the title says, there is no ceiling! Please note that this house of cards is to be free standing with no support from anything other than the cards below them. Points will be awarded to each house based on the TOTAL AMOUNT OF STORIES!

Scoring Breakdown - 4 points rewarded to the house with the most stories, 3 points rewarded to the house with the 2nd most stories, 2 points awarded to the 3rd most stories, and 1 point rewarded to the house with the least amount of stories. An additional point will be given to the individual who has the most stories built.


The photo you take must include yourself or a piece of paper with the date and your name (no photoshop either).

Submit your screenshots here: